
the client

Corinne is a wonderfully skilled children illustrator as well as a dear friend. She works as an atelierista, using her experience in communicating with children and their emotions to collaborate with several preschools and nurseries in Reggio Emilia.

She spends a sheer amount of her time dedicating it to art and improving her drawing skills, while also working as an Illustrator for the french publisher "Les Petites Bulles Éditions".

what have I done

During the making of this project I chose to gave unequivocal focus to Corinne's work, choosing a broad layout to give breathing space to the amazing colours of her art. In this way I was able to draw the center of attention to her shading and use of interesting hues, highlighting their natural beauty. Corinne designed her logo helself and actively partecipated in making the majority of the aesthetic choices, in order to create a final product in line with her taste. (Cambia il primo attention con focus)